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July 14, 2007



Many years back, I lived with an aspiring writer. Your comments on writing character sketches and hanging out in coffee shops etc. brought back some fond memories. Watching him watch others while writing, it was often like watching a portrait artist, wondering and eagerly awaiting his finished sketch.

I read your Afternoon Nap and found it a nice character sketch. You wrote some strong descriptive areas that drew me in, allowed me to be a part of it. I found some areas slightly too descriptive for my liking. But then that could be after near 16 years of marriage and maybe having "40ish type of squeak in my door," I'd much rather stayed with the pleasant visualizations rather than be brought back to reality!

Well done though and hope to
maybe read more in the future.


I think my love of books is because of how good writing creates such a vivid picture (and why so many movie adaptations are such a disappointment). That reminds me how a long, long time ago, someone gave me a paperback copy of "The Russia House" published after the movie. It had a picture of Sean Connery and Michelle Pfeiffer on the cover. I never could get into that book -- I couldn't get the images of those two out of my head and they didn't fit for me.

Thanks for your comments. I'm just beginning to share my work with people without making them promise to say it's wonderful whether it is or not. As I get braver, I'll post some more. It helps to get thoughtful feedback such as yours.

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