The full title of this hilarious and sometimes poignant book is Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair: The True-Life Misadventures of a 30-Something Who Learned to Knit After He Split. And that about sums it up. Perry, aka Crazy Aunt Purl, somehow manages to make it through all of the craziness that overwhelms her after getting dumped. She figures out how to be true to herself, or more accurately find out who she really is, when she's no longer part of a couple. Knitting takes a starring role in the transformation. (My favorite part about the knitting "recipes" are the wine recommendations!)
She writes so honestly about the experience it is both heart-wrenching and hysterical. She makes up words with abandon and sprinkles her writing with Southernisms. Reading this book feels like you're having a conversation with a good friend. A little one-sided, of course, except for when I found myself talking back. It's possible it's just me, but somehow Perry makes you feel like you're right there with her, which leads to the talking to a book thing.
And I'll tell you, having been through a similar experience myself, she nails the feelings you go through, the anger the sadness, the eventual happiness over some silly things that feel like victory. You don't have to be a knitter, divorced or Southern to love this book. Just be ready for an entertaining read that will having you adding her blog to your favorites list.